Beechwood Memorial Employees Earn Special Recognition

The HCA Innovators Award is a nationally recognition to employees who implement valuable ideas that further HCA's mission and can be replicated at other hospitals across the nation. In 2010, Beechwood Memorial was proud to have two employees, and their unique programs, win the "HCA Innovator Award."

Quality Category: ED "Frequent Visitors" Program

This program was started in 2008 ago by Beechwood Memorial's very own Burke Webster, Licensed Social Worker. Burke noticed that many community members were often returning to the Emergency Room for basic medical care, simply because they lacked knowledge or access to other community resources. His solution? Develop a database to track the "frequent visitors" to the Emergency Room who may benefit from access to social services, low cost medical insurance, or preventative healthcare.

When a patient with a high rate of visits arrives in the ER, Case Management/ Social Services is contacted. After the physician has seen the patient, Case Management sits with the patient to discuss appropriate use of the ER, helps them get insurance or a primary care provider, and connects them with other needed community resources.

Thanks to Burke and his I am Beechwood Memorial spirit, our patients are now linked with vital community resources that improve their health and quality of life.

Financial Category: Building automation system to control temperature settings

Back in 2003, Grant Gohr and his Engineering team noticed that hallway temperatures were very cool, while patient rooms often would remain warm. To increase patient comfort, they began using a building automation system to provide a stable environmental temperature across the entire facility.

Over the last eight years, Beechwood Memorial’s Engineering Team has implemented changes throughout the facility that earned us the coveted Energy Star designation. Beechwood Memorial is the only HCA Hospital in the country and currently the only hospital in Idaho to receive this recognition. Great job!